Zheng Yang

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Associate Professor


Ph.D. (Mathematics), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2015

M.S. (Mathematics), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2010

B.S. (Mathematics), Emporia State University, 2008

EXPERIENCE: Miami University



Dr. Zheng Yang joined SCUPI in 2018 after serving as a visiting Assistant Professor at Miami University of Ohio. His research interests include commutative algebra and homological algebra, in particular, understanding of the behavior of infinite free resolutions over commutative Noetherian local rings. His current research interests also span various topics from math education, data science and interdisciplinary science. Dr. Yang is the PI for the NSFC Youth Fund project and currently also participates several provincial scientific research projects.


1.Commutative Algebra

2.Homological Algebra

3.Math Education

4.Topological Data Analysis


Mathematics and Statistics


312004040 Analytical Geometry and Calculus 1

312027030  Statistical Regression & Testing

312006030  Intro to Matrics & Linear Algebra


1.Ananathnarayan, E. Celikbas, J. Laxmi, and Z. Yang, Associated graded rings and connected sums, Czechoslovak Math. Journal 70(145) (2020), 261-279

2.Ananathnarayan, E. Celikbas, J. Laxmi, and Z. Yang, Decomposing Gorenstein rings as connected sums, J. Algebra 527 (2019), 241-263

3.Rahmati, J. Striuli and Z. Yang, Poincare series over fiber products and weak complete intersection ideals, J. Algebra 498 (2018), 129-152

4.Avramov and Z. Yang, Betti sequences over standard graded commutative algebras with two relations, Homological and Computational Methods in Commutative Algebra, Springer INdAM Series (2017), 1-31

5.Yang, N. Naresh, M. Edwards, Engineering Calculus: Fostering engagement and understanding in a virtual setting, Advances in Engineering Education, (2020), 1-8


1.5thInquiry Small Class Teaching – Teaching Competition at Sichuan University (2022), a winning prize for the course “Matrices and Linear Algebra (in English)”

2.4thInquiry Small Class Teaching – Teaching Competition at Sichuan University (2021), a third prize for the course “Analytic Geometry and Calculus 3 (in English)”