SCUPI Lecture: Information Retrieval and Utilization
Published on: March 16, 2017 | Views: 3670
During the morning of Friday, March 10, 2017, all freshmen from Sichuan University-Pittsburgh Institute went to the library on Jiang’an campus of Sichuan University to learn how to use the online library resources of Sichuan University. In the lecture, Professor Hu divided his lecture into four parts. These included the resources of Sichuan University library, how to use the library online, how to get papers and other resources from abroad, and how to get other useful information from the Internet. Professor Wang mainly talked about the third and the fourth parts. He introduced two kinds of retrieval systems to get papers from online library. The first one is EI, and the paper we get from this system can be divided into two parts. For some of them, we can get the entire paper, and for the others we can only get their abstract. In this retrieval system, we can use the search system once and reduce the range of the things we really want. The other retrieval system is SCI. This system will count how many times the article or papers have been cited in other articles. So it will be convenient for us to compare the resources, and to find the more reliable ones. He also introduced some useful ways to get resources from internet. One of the most important ones is to get information from the national patent website. This is because this website will have very specific explanations for the ideas and products. Participants in the one hour lecture received a great deal of helpful information from Professor Wang. Using the methods he described, it will be much easier and convenient to get information from online. (By Ruocen Tian)