Industrial Engineering

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B.S. in Industrial Engineering (IE)


The overall educational objectives of the undergraduate program in SCUPI are for our graduates to be:

• Successful professionals who adapt to and drive changes in technology and our global society in their desired career path, including industrial engineering careers, as well as other professional disciplines;

• Lifelong learners and pursuers of advanced knowledge;

• Active leaders in their profession and/or community.

Industrial Engineering Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) describe our expectation of graduates about 3-5 years after graduation.


At the time of graduation, students must be able to demonstrate:

a. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering

b. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.

c. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability.

d. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams.

e. An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

f. An understanding of professional and ethical responsibilities.

g. An ability to communicate effectively.

h. The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context.

i. A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning.

j. A knowledge of contemporary issues.

k. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.


ENGL 0010 English for Multilingual Students (Syllabus: ENGL0010),

ENGCMP 0020 English Composition Workshop (Syllabus: ENGCMP 0200),

ENGL 0030 Technical and Professional Writing (Syllabus: ENGL0030),

MATH 0230 Analytical Geometry and Calculus 2 (Syllabus: MATH0230),

MATH 0240 Analytical Geometry and Calculus 3 (Syllabus: MATH0240),

MATH 0280 Matrices and Linear Algebra (Syllabus: MATH0280),

MATH 0290 Differential Equations (Syllabus: MATH0290),

PHYS 0174 Physics for Science and Engineering 1 (Syllabus: PHYS0174),

PHYS 0175 Physics for Science and Engineering 2 (Syllabus: PHYS0175),

MEMS 0024 Introduction to Mechanical Engineering Design (Syllabus: ME0024),

IE1052 Manufacturing Processes and Analysis (Syllabus: IE1052),

IE1054 Productivity Analysis (Syllabus: IE1054),

IE 1070 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 1 (Syllabus: IE1070),

ENGR 0011 Introduction to Engineering (Syllabus: ENGR0011),

ENGR 0012 Engineering computing (Syllabus: ENGR0012),

ENGR 0022 Materials Structures and Properties (Syllabus: ENGR0022),

ENGR 0135 Statics and Mechanics of Materials 1 (Syllabus: ENGR0135),

CHEM 0960 General Chemistry for Engineers 1 (Syllabus: CHEM0960),

CHEM 0970 General Chemistry for Engineers 2 (Syllabus: CHEM0970),

ECON 0100 Microeconomics (Syllabus: ECON0100),

ECON 0110 Macroeconomics (Syllabus: ECON0110),

Engineering Economic Analysis, Human Factors Engineering, Operations Research, Engineering Management, Facility Layout and Material Handling, Simulation Modeling with Arena/Discrete Event Simulation, Supply Chain Analysis.