中国台湾清华大学 纳微米机电系统工程 博士
- 2025-至今,瑞典国际先进材料协会,华南分会理事(Board Member of the IAAM South China Chapter)
- 2024-至今,国际光机电杂志,副主编(Associate Editor of International Journal of Optomechatronics)
- 2022-至今,微机械杂志专题顾问团,成员(Topical Advisory Panel Member for Journal of Micromachines)
- 2021-至今,法国国家研究总署,重点研发项目评审委员(Project Reviewer of Key Research and Development Projects of French National Research Agency (ANR))
- 2019-至今,新加坡科技研究局科学与工程研究委员会,项目评审委员(Project Reviewer of Science & Engineering Research Council (SERC), Agency for Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in Singapore.)
- 2018-至今,广东省科学技术厅,专家评审委员(Evaluation Expert of Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Provincial)
- 2024年获ScholarGPS顶级学者,全球学者排名前0.5%;超材料领域全球排名第22名
- 2023年获瑞典国际先进材料协会会士(2023 International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Fellow)
- 2022年获瑞典国际先进材料协会科学家奖(2022 International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM) Scientist Award)
- 2021年获Photonics Research 2021年度主编推荐奖, (Photonics Research, 2021, 9(7): 1409)
SCI国际期刊论文: >144 / 第一&通讯作者: >127 / H-index: 43
- X. Gao, Y. Liu, H. Chen, Y.-S. Lin*, and X. Chen*, “All-dielectric bifocal metalens with diffraction-limited focusing and polarization-dependent characteristics,” Int. J. Mech. Sci., vol.286, pp.109916, 2025. (IF: 7.100)
- K. Li†, Y. Liang†, Y. Liu, and Y.-S. Lin*, “Tunable MEMS-based meta-absorbers for nondispersive infrared gas sensing applications,” Microsyst. Nanoeng., vol.11(2), pp.1-13, 2025. (IF: 7.300)
- Y. Liu and Y.-S. Lin*, “Stretchable dual-axis terahertz bifocal metalens with flexibly polarization-dependent focal position and direction,” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, vol.16(26), pp.34338-34348, 2024. (IF: 9.500)
- D. Zheng and Y.-S. Lin*, “Angular Dispersive Narrowband Absorption Induced by Quasi-BIC in SiO2-Au Metamaterial,” Small Struct., vol.5, pp.2300529, 2024. (IF: 15.900)
- D. Zheng†, W. Huang†, K. Chen, and Y.-S. Lin*, “Visible Metamaterial Using Lithium Niobate Nanoring Structure for Stretchable Color Sensing Application,” ACS Mater. Lett., vol.5, pp.1831-1840, 2023. (IF: 11.170)
- D. Zheng, Y. Wen, X. Xu, and Y.-S. Lin*, “Metamaterial Grating for Colorimetric Chemical Sensing Applications,” Mater. Today Phys., vol.33, pp.101056, 2023. (IF: 11.021)
- X. Xu, D. Zheng, and Y.-S. Lin*, “Electric Split-Ring Metamaterial Based Microfluidic Chip with Multi-Resonances for Microparticle Trapping and Chemical Sensing Applications,” J. Colloid Interface Sci., vol.642, pp.462-469, 2023. (IF: 9.965)
- R. Xu, X. Xu, B.-R. Yang, X. Gui, Z. Qin, and Y.-S. Lin*, “Actively Logical Modulation of MEMS-Based Terahertz Metamaterial,” Photonics. Res., vol.9(7), pp.1409-1415, 2021. (IF: 7.080, 高被引论文, 荣获2021年度主编推荐奖)
- R. Xu and Y.-S. Lin*, “Flexible and controllable metadevice using self-assembly MEMS actuator,” Nano Lett., vol.21(7), pp.3205-3210, 2021. (IF: 11.189)
- Z. Xu and Y.-S. Lin*, “A stretchable terahertz parabolic-shaped metamaterial,” Adv. Opt. Mater., vol.7(19), pp.1900379, 2019. (IF: 7.125)
- 分析方法(ECE 0401 Analytical Method) (全英文)
- 电磁学(ECE 1259 Electromagnetics) (全英文)
- 半导体器件理论(ECE 1247 Semiconductor Device Theory) (全英文)